• Basic Information

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  • About me
    My name is Basma, and I'm from morocco. My age is 27 years. I want to be an Au Pair because I want to learn about different cultures and live in another country. In exchange, I will do my best to assist you with household chores, etc. I believe you should consider me because I know I can do my best, kind, reliable, and trustworthy.
    I can assure you that having me in your family will be beneficial because I am so thrilled to do so.
    I know I can care for children, and I enjoy being around them because they make you feel young and happy, even if they can be mischievous at times. Rest assured, I'll be your child's big sister and I will love them so much with the utmost respect and care.
    This is my first time applying as an AU Pair so therefore I have never been an au Pair in any country.

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