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  • About me
    Hello ,
    My name is Tungalagtuya and i am 19 years old . I have studied english for 2 years in mongolia and have taken ielts in 2018 (6.5) and also can speak german (B1) . At the moment, I am working as a guide and studying germany regularly .

    In my spare time, I love to study languages (for example : english germany and korean ..etw). From last summer I helped at a kids english lessons as a volunteer in some language center and was assigned to teach the youngest group of children the basic english. i love to see how they are improving and becoming more cheerful .
    I would love to become your next Au Pair because I love children and enjoy spending time with them. I am prepared and I am well aware of the fact that being like a big sister for your children comes along with responsibilities for them and it will not always be just play and fun. My calm and patient personality will help me to master more difficult situations for instance when the kids are tired or don’t want to listen to me.

    I expect that in the first couple of days I will be exhausted at night because I guess taking care of children the whole time can be tiring. But I am sure that I will adapt to the new tasks and daily routine quickly and become a big help for you.

    Living with me is really easy as I am not a demanding person. I do respect that the house is your house and that I have follow your house rules. If something works not quite as it should, I prefer to talk instead of ignoring things.

    I have never spent longer time abroad except from holidays but I am used to not seeing either my dad or my mom for one or two weeks so I don’t think I will become particular home sick.
    I am really curious to hear all about you and your children. The information I have read so far sounds really interesting. I hope you like my letter and I can’t wait to hear back from you.

    Thank you for reading my letter and kind regards, Tungalagtuya

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