• Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Age
  • About me
    My beloved family just relocated to London from Singapore therefore, We are in search of a lovely and caring summer job Au-pair, who understands what it means to take care of kids. willing to love them, care and cherish them at all times. Full care of the child, including meal/snack preparation for the child, schedule and implementation of age-appropriate activities and child's development. Household duties include keeping the house tidy and organized, running and emptying the dishwasher, driving child in nanny's vehicle, child's laundry.

    A calm, engaging and dedicated child care professional who loves their work. Someone who will take the child to activities and get outside. Someone who is kind-hearten, confident, can take direction and initiative, follow a consistent routine and create age-appropriate, varied and fun developmental activities.

    Kindly send a copy of your resume/CV for our kind consideration. please write us patternsfamily@outlook.com

    The family is going to carter for all your travel expense to London if found worthy for the said job.

    Thank you very much, as we look forward reading from you soon.

    Yours Sincerely,
    The Patterns Family.
  • Family Information

  • Aupair needed from
  • Number of Kids
  • Handicapped Children
  • Single Parent
  • Smoker
  • Aupair Experience

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