Who is allowed to take up an au pair
- Published in Aupair in Deutschland
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In Germany, au pairs may be employed only in a family, is spoken in the German as a mother tongue and an adult family member has German nationality or the nationality of an EU / EEA country or Switzerland. Spoken in the family as a German family language, the approval may be granted if the dates or not the employees of a homeland of the host parents.
- As a family, among couples, unmarried couples, same-sex registered partners as well as single parents. This requires in all cases that they are living with at least one child under 18 years in the same household
- To the extent resulting from the vested right of establishment or the European Community for the au pair or the host family living in Germany from EU member states, an EEA State or Switzerland more favorable provisions, these must be observed.
- There is no au pair placement will be admitted if there is a family relationship between the host family and the au pair.
- Married au pairs may be admitted.
- The simultaneous employment of two au pairs may be allowed if four or more children under 18 years living in the same household.
- The au pair relationship must take at least six months and can include a maximum of one year. A re-registration as an au pair is not possible, not when the maximum duration has not been exhausted by a year. Au pairs from third countries need a residence permit, which expressly permits the exercise of employment in the federal territory (visa / residence permit) for the entry and residence.
The visa for entry is to apply (embassy, consulate) in the German embassy or consulate in the country of origin. Of this, citizens of certain countries are (z. B. from Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, the United States of America except for. You can enter without a visa.
The host family must have sufficient income and appropriate housing can provide proof.